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a lifetime of kindness!
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A registered society working for community animals in Lucknow since 2021. We use art, conversations and collaborations to foster harmony among people and the animals they coexist with. 

We help animals directly by providing daily meals for over 200 dogs, rescuing animals with medical emergencies and providing water bowls and shelter as the seasons demand. 


To strengthen community engagement, we organise activities like Puppy Yoga, Feeding Drives and Painting Fundraisers. We’ve brought together around 100 people who then spread awareness and kindness in their own environments.

For long-term, sustainable impact, we work with large organisations that can affect change. We collaborate closely with municipal corporations, organise workshops for police officers, RWAs, school children and work with UP government on strengthening animal welfare policies and its implementation. 


We have conducted interventions with over 800 individuals in the past 1 year. We are approved by Ministry of Corporate Affairs for undertaking CSR activities while being registered by the  Income Tax Department of India under 12A and 80G tax exemption

About Us

A young woman kneeling to pet a dog
About Me

We believe only an informed, empathetic community can change the world, and we are on our way to building one!


Illustration of a child with a dog

We provide fresh, nutritious food to over 200 community dogs

Illustration of two dogs

We talk about animals' role in our ecosystem, how to coexist peacefully and animal protection laws

Illustration of a person with a small puppy

We provide immediate rescue assistance to community animals in distress

Illustration of a dog dancing

We worked with the District Administration and State Govt. to implement Animal Welfare Policies.

Illustration of three children

We work on human animals conflict,
in collaboration with municipal bodies.

Illustration of a piglet writing 'Be Kind'

People come together for bonding activities and fundraising.
Eg- Painting nights, puppy yoga etc.

Our Mission

To build a community of informed citizens to avoid human-animal conflict any further.

Our Vision

For every animal to have their rights intact.

Illustration of butterfly and a human hand

Boop Us!

Illustration of a fish


105, Sukrit Enclave, LaTouche Road, Lucknow-226010




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